Mythos (n): The stories that help us get at truth and meaning

Your story matters and coffee is part of it

Mythos is all about stories.

My story with coffee starts back in 2014 when I got into the industry. I fell in love with coffee, not just because it was good, but because community happened around coffee. People live and tell their stories around coffee.

Mythos is about your story, your coffee’s story, and all of the stories that are impacted by your coffee.

The story started at a farm halfway around the world. Now the coffee is part of your story, in your hands getting you ready to face the day.

I want to honor that story.

It’s your story and their story. It’s all connected and I think that’s beautiful.

So I make it my goal to roast coffee that not only tastes great, but tells a great story.

I roast in small batches and commit to the industry standard test of cupping the coffee every week for quality assurance.

Mythos roasts on an MCR-1 and an MCR-3, both from Mill City Roasters.